5 of the 10 Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Want to Visit Uranus
Episode 14 of our Solar System
Let’s keep this preamble short, lest I start in with the jokes about what should be done about Uranus. Uranus is toxic and cold and no one go anywhere near there. If it weren’t for the rings around Uranus, it might not be worth checking out at all. Still, it’s the next planet on the list after us that appears blue, so we owe it to Uranus to at least be civil.
Please read that all aloud.
10. The Toxicity of Our Seventh
Uranus is a gas giant…pun unintentional yet welcome. As such, it much like Jupiter and Saturn before it, is comprised primarily of gases in various forms. Hydrogen and helium are there in abundance, and we already know we can’t breathe those, but there are actually some more concerning ones we need to discuss.
There’s methane gas there. You know, that stuff people are concerned about your leftover food turning into if you leave it in containers when you throw it away. While not too toxic, it’s colorless and odorless and can cause one to swoon quite easily. There’s also a bit of ammonia, but if you’re breathing it…